Our services

We strive to provide a customized service to our patients that is tailored to their individual needs. We will work with you to make sure your needs are met and provide you with an explanation of the entire process.


Chiropractic care

Chiropractors have extensive knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the human body as well as the biomechanics of how our bodies move. Chiropractors use this knowledge to assess and treat a variety of musculoskeletal conditions.

Chiropractors use a variety of tools to help you achieve your health goals. Most people associate chiropractors with the adjustment. Although chiropractic adjustments are a powerful tool to release joint restrictions and pressure that has built up in joints over time it is not the only tool we use.

At Peak Health Chiropractic we utilize:

  • Chiropractic adjustments

  • Muscle release therapy

  • Function release therapy

  • Exercises and Stretching

Custom Orthotics

Our feet are our base and every day we’re on them for the majority of the day. If the biomechanics aren’t working correctly in our feet and we lack the support required problems can surface in the ankle, knee and hip and even show up in our back. Every foot is unique and no shoe company can claim they have the insole that will work for everyone. If you feel you need more support or are experiencing ankle, knee hip or low back pain consider coming in to be fitted for a pair of custom orthotics.